Trusted by thousands of organizations worldwide.

Our customer stories

From healthcare to legal and financial services, organizations large and small trust Zivver to secure their digital communications.

Join over 10,000 organizations emailing securely with Zivver
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Calderdale Council

Improving email security and reducing human error

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Chronic Care Staffing

Meeting HIPAA with user-friendly encryption

South Kesteven District Council

Empowering digital security education for employees

Soha Housing
Soha Housing

Protecting financial data and resident PII

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Hertsmere Borough Council

Securing every email with advanced security tools

Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Driving innovation and email security with smart technology

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Wellbeing Scotland

User-friendly email security for the charity sector

Windsor Forest
Windsor Forest College Group

Protecting student data by empowering staff to avoid the leading causes of data incidents

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Woonplus Schiedam

Protecting tenant data and ensuring compliance

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Port of Rotterdam Authority

Sharing large files securely and effortlessly

St Albans City and District Council

Securing data in email and Salesforce

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Empowering people and setting the digital security standard: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

San Pablo Economic Development Corporation

Supporting secure business development

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Lionarons GGZ

Saving time and driving efficiency with Zivver Secure eSignatures

Jeroen Bosch Hospital

Automating and securing sensitive patient communications: Jeroen Bosch

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Securing the future of NHS digital communications: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

The Fetal Medicine Centre

Simplifying digital security to focus on what really matters: The Fetal Medicine Centre

Mountain Healthcare

Enabling employees to focus on care whilst prioritizing data compliance and security

North Holland North (VRNHN)

Safety and digital security first: North Holland North (VRNHN)

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Haagsch Recherchebureau

Streamlining email security in Gmail

Rotterdam The Hague Airport

Securing sensitive data and driving digital transformation: Rotterdam The Hague Airport

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Elker jeugdhulp & onderwijs

Enabling email security with DLP Gateway

Bergman Clinics

Improved patient data privacy and frictionless workflows: Bergman Clinics

Schouten Zekerheid

Securing digital financial communications: Schouten Zekerheid

Van der Veen & Kromhout Chartered Accountants

Putting sensitive stakeholder information first: Van der Veen & Kromhout Chartered Accountants

Nationale Nederlanden

Making digital security part of organizational culture: Nationale Nederlanden

Epe municipality

Real-time security awareness training: Epe municipality


Secure patient and stakeholder communications

COVID-19 Sneltest

Secure, digital COVID-19 test result delivery: COVID-19 Sneltest

Agency DNA

Leading digital security best practice by example: Agency DNA

AT Osborne Consultancy

Building better security: AT Osborne

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Compliant email security for US schools

Curio Education

A lesson in digital security best practice for the education sector: Curio

Schouten Zekerheid Insurance Company

Securing digital financial communications: Schouten Zekerheid

University Hospital Frankfurt

A health check on digital communications security: University Hospital Frankfurt


Protecting sensitive healthcare data far and wide: Buurtzorg

"Zivver has been made available to every UZA employee, initially via the web app, but gradually also integrated into Outlook. These are not only employees on the floor in the hospital, but also the management team, HR department and, for example, employees who process a lot of financial data. ”
University Hospital Antwerp
University Hospital Antwerp

Curing digital communications security complaints: University Hospital Antwerp

Nova College

Protecting student data and streamlining workflows for staff | Nova College

Municipality of Lochem

Digital security for the people: Municipality of Lochem


Making secure emailing a lifestyle: Plavei

Mesdag Foundation

Managing sensitive patient communications: Mesdag Foundation


Securing emails and large file transfers: Bolletje

RST Care Providers

Protecting sensitive patient data on the go: RST Care Providers

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