Secure email.
Effortless compliance.

Empowering people to email securely.
Prevent data leaks in Microsoft and Google with integrated encryption and DLP tools.

Over 10,000 companies email securely with Zivver

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What is Zivver?

Zivver is the email security solution that supports compliance and powers productivity.

Our user-friendly solution integrates with Outlook, M365 and Gmail to prevent data loss. With advanced encryption, data loss prevention tools, and large file transfer capabilities, Zivver enhances your existing email client to mitigate human error and safeguard your business.


Prevent data leaks, meet compliance.

Maintaining public and client trust, preserving personal and organizational reputation, and improving compliance scores.


Easy to use, quick to deploy.

With seamless integration into your email ecosystem, and a painless experience for sender and receiver.


Works how & when you need it to.

Adapting to individual risk profiles, allowing unhindered productivity, and detecting security lapses before they occur.

Our platform

The only solution you need for secure, compliant email

Add robust, right-sized data loss prevention tools to your email client.

  • Advanced encryption
  • Human error prevention
  • Sensitive data identification

Top-tier security standards

Ensure your company’s data is completely secure and you’re in compliance with latest standards

  • ISO-1
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Effortless data compliance

We support you to meet compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR, NIS2, HIPPA, DORA and NTA 7516

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Key features

Smart features for secure communications

From patient records and student records to legal and financial data - whatever you’re sending, send it securely.

  • Alerts to the smallest mistakes with the biggest consequences. Whether you’re about to send an email to the wrong Alex or have forgotten to use Bcc? – Zivver notifies you in real-time of potential mistakes.

Ready to learn more?

Learn how Zivver can help you with secure email and effortless compliance

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Over 10,000 companies email securely with Zivver

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