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How to send large files securely by email

Posted by Robert Fleming on 12th July 2022

How to send large files securely by email image

In a recent global survey of more than 6000 employees and over 600 IT and security professionals, we found that rising numbers of productivity platforms are preventing employees from working efficiently and securely.

More than half of employees have seen the number of collaboration tools increase in the last two years, requiring additional training, and reducing their ability to focus. This has resulted in increased stress, difficulty switching off and, naturally, more data incidents.

Our new world of hybrid remote working sees employees relying on collaboration platforms to engage with colleagues and external stakeholders more than ever. However, when employees are forced to switch between platforms to perform simple tasks, productivity is broken. Combined with evolving data protection legislation and digital security pressures, it is no surprise that employees are finding it harder than ever to focus on their day to day roles.

Email remains our most relied on communication tool for sharing sensitive information. Yet when it comes to sharing that large client file, patient record, or contract, it is anything but simple. 

The problem with third party file sharing platforms

Outlook, Gmail, and Microsoft 365 all enforce  file size limits, requiring employees to switch to third party file sharing platforms. This is problematic for a few reasons:

  • Third party platforms are not integrated with existing platforms and workflows, forcing employees outside of their familiar email environment. 
  • They are also restrictive; often, free versions of file sharing platforms limit file sizes to 2GB. 
  • Some do not deliver on compliance requirements (WeTransfer is not HIPPA compliant, for example). 
  • Finally, while third party platforms may provide some security measures to protect files in transit, they do not prevent the leading cause of data leaks today - human error - meaning a major data incident is only ever one click away.

The solution for large file transfer

According to research, over 90% of employees rely on email to get the job done. Organizations need to leverage smart technologies to add an extra layer of security to their existing email clients and bolster the functionalities they offer; that being, large file transfer. The good news is that this technology exists today.

3rd Generation Solutions integrate seamlessly into existing email clients (including Gmail, Outlook, and Microsoft365), empowering employees to share large files (up to 5TB) effortlessly and securely. 

From the comfort of their familiar email, employees can set multi factor authentication functionality to ensure only appropriate recipients can gain access to files, and recall files in the instance that something goes wrong. 

Plus, contextual machine learning powered business rules identify and alert employees to the presence of sensitive data in attachments, as well as other common mistakes - empowering users to correct errors and encrypt emails with one click.

In short, when it comes to digital communications solutions, the focus should be on quality, not quantity. Employees want to use email; it is familiar and universal. Applying 3rd generation solutions to secure large files before, during and after sending security empowers people to work efficiently and with confidence.

Find out how we can supercharge your email client to enable large file transfer for your organization.

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Robert Fleming

Published: 12th July 2022

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