3 min read

Freedom to Focus | Setting the data protection standard

Expert contribution by Glen Hymers BA (Hons), DipCSMP, Cert HE, CIPP/E, CIS LI, GDPR P, M_o_R, Head of Data Privacy & Compliance and Information Assurance, Cabinet Office.

As we move further into the digital age, data protection and privacy have become increasingly important concerns across all sectors. The introduction of numerous data protection legislation such as EU GDPR, UK GDPR, CCPA, PIPL have seen a rise in public awareness as to their rights and businesses obligations to them as a result. However, the public sector in particular holds a unique responsibility to safeguard the personal data of citizens.

As a forward thinking society, we rely on our public sector organisations to provide essential services, whether they be healthcare, education, or government administration. As part of this provision, sensitive personal data is often collected, stored, and processed. Therefore, it is paramount that the public sector upholds the highest standards of data protection and privacy. A breach of personal data within any public sector organisation can have severe consequences for individuals and communities, eroding trust and potentially leading to identity theft and other forms of fraud being perpetrated against them, harming not only those directly impacted by revictimising the victims of the breach but also undermining public trust in the ability of the public sector to protect their personal data.

To avoid such negative outcomes, it is crucial that the public sector takes a proactive approach to data protection and privacy. This means implementing strong technical and organisational measures, ensuring that our security measures are fit for purpose, the technology we use is fit for purpose and configured correctly, and that we train all of our staff on data protection and privacy best practices. This way we will embed not only privacy and data protection by design but will ensure that the culture of the sector is fit for purpose also.

Freedom to Focus: Tackling public sector digital transformation explores the importance of data protection and privacy in the public sector, and highlights how organisations can successfully implement strong data protection and privacy measures, as well as examine the challenges and the opportunities presented by emerging technologies.

I invite you to read on and discover how the public sector can continue to lead the way in data protection and privacy, building trust and creating a safer digital world for us all!  

From interoperability to digital inclusion, we tackle the big issues facing public sector organisations in our latest report.

Read Chapter 2: Challenges on the horizon for public sector organisations

Or download the latest research and articles from expert contributors. 

First published -
Last updated - 18/07/23
Freedom to Focus | Setting the data protection standard
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