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Freedom to Focus: Enabling progressive risk management with smart tech

We recently commissioned the largest global survey into secure digital communications and workplace productivity, speaking with over 6,000 employees and 850 IT decision makers in Europe and the US. Our report, Freedom to Focus: securely empowered employees, protected businesses, investigates the state of cybersecurity in wake of hybrid working and escalating digital transformation. 

Haven’t downloaded the report yet? Here’s a brief insight into our findings. Employees want the freedom to focus. IT leaders need to ensure that data security remains robust. The good news? There doesn’t have to be tension between these two stances.

With the right technology and a more progressive risk management approach, IT leaders can set people free to focus on what really matters, all while protecting the business and its data. Fortunately, most IT leaders are already on board with making this shift.

We asked, what does progressive risk management look like?

  • More frequent review of security practices: 52% 
  • More use of smart security technologies: 49%
  • Risk management that is more proactive than reactive: 38%
  • Multi disciplinary view (e.g spanning IT, HR, compliance, innovation): 38%
  • Enabling employees to take calculated risks at work: 36%
  • Embracing a fail-fast culture where employees can learn through failure: 27%
  • Don’t know: 2%

Technology as the path towards progressive risk management

Rather than treating email security risk as a behavioral problem, four in five (79%) IT leaders now think that smarter email data security could reduce errors, and 87% say it would be beneficial if businesses had a solution that protected people from email security errors.

In other words: IT leaders now understand that employees need tools and technologies that enable them to work freely, rather than more restrictive measures or processes. Accordingly, 73% of IT teams plan to invest more in outbound email security in the next two years.

As it becomes clear that data security training alone can’t protect businesses, many IT leaders are exploring progressive risk security strategies. Smart technology is increasingly being seen as the answer, rather than burdening employees with more security protocols and policies.

Download the free report to find out and hear from cybersecurity experts including:

  • Steve Bond, Information Rights Manager, Open University
  • Martin Viech, Freelance Writer, Analyst and Contributing Editor at IDG Connect
  • Shira Rubinoff, Cybersecurity Executive, Advisor and Author

Get your hands on the free report now.

First published -
Last updated - 16/11/22
Freedom to Focus - Enabling progressive risk management with smart technology
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