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Email security in finance | The gap in your DLP program

Posted by Rick Goud on 8th December 2021

Email security in finance | The gap in your DLP program image

When it comes to data security, wealth management and insurance firms have a bigger target on their backs than most. However, when strategizing for data loss prevention in email, the focus for IT leaders traditionally remains on incoming and malicious attacks, leaving finance organizations open to the leading cause of data incidents. According to ICO reports, these are most commonly non-cyber related issues.

Email remains the essential tool for businesses and it is a security hotspot that must be prioritized. Nearly 65% of data incidents in the UK financial sector last year were the result on non-cyber related incidents; sensitive data shared with the wrong person, failure to revoke, misuse of Bcc - the list goes on. 

So what is the solution?

The missing link in your email client

Many employees do not know how to recognize emails sent with malicious intent and take action, opening new opportunities for inbound threats missed up by the platforms' shields and filters.

High-value fraud attempts via business email compromise (BEC) continue to make it through M365's native security solutions, leaving firms more exposed to data breaches. These organizations often hold as much personal information, corporate data, customer information and financial data as banking institutions, despite having smaller budgets or a smaller-headcount on their security teams to ensure their digital perimeters are secure. In fact, only 31% of smaller family offices had implemented cyber security measures, versus 60% of larger operations.

It is true to say that most email security solutions today don’t account for outbound email security.

The fact is that most of today’s security solutions focus on threat protection and are built to keep ‘inbound’ risks – malware, phishing attacks and spam – at bay, as these are consistently viewed as the biggest risks to email security. But when it comes to misdirected emails, it is clear that data loss via human error or more insidious insider threats are security risks that are consistently overlooked.

It’s not enough to focus solely on inbound threats and keep the attackers from coming in; businesses need to ensure they prevent sensitive data being accidentally or maliciously sent out. 

Popular email service providers may have outbound email filtering rules – but these are often too rigid to adapt to evolving ways of working, and often depend heavily on IT teams having to constantly update and configure them.

Where traditional email security fails, Zivver provides a purpose built solution to protect the daily communications on which financial organizations depend.

Zivver Secure Email helps increase resistance to both inbound and outbound email threats. Not only will the system automatically detect and prevent common mistakes before emails and files are sent, but it ensures data is properly encrypted with access with MFA, and can’t be intercepted.

With seamless integration with Outlook and Gmail, providing a more reliable solution to email recall if needed. Zivver provides organizations with a birds-eye view of their email security, allowing them to scope out and prevent data leaks and attacks coming from any direction.

Rick Goud avatar

Rick Goud

CIO & Founder

Published: 8th December 2021

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