3 min read

To forward or not to forward: How to forward emails securely

In the world of email security, we believe that enablement is better than enforcement. This means that we empower employees to control sensitive data, rather than enforcing clunky procedures and complicating workflows.

From experience, we know that a ‘computer says no’ methodology does little to stop data leaks. If employees are prevented from doing their jobs by pop-ups, IT policies and procedures, they will find alternative (often less secure) ways of performing simple tasks.

Never is this more true than with email forwarding. We see lots of security solutions prevent email forwarding in the name of data protection. However, rather than avoiding security incidents, this functionality achieves little more than leaving employees frustrated and on the lookout for workarounds. If users need to share information, they will find a way. Perhaps they will download, screenshot, copy and paste or even take a photo of their screen - any of these alternatives leave organizations at risk of a data incident.

How to forwards emails securely

Zivver empowers users to securely forward emails by putting the control in their hands to control sensitive information even after sending. Zivver enables email recall that users can really rely on. Often, email clients make revoking messages almost impossible; with Zivver, all it takes is one click. 

If the sender of the original message revokes the email, the forwarded email is also revoked - emails are under control and employees can share information without jumping through hoops.

From a compliance perspective, Zivver’s audit logs provide a complete overview of email performance, including detail of emails received and opened. This detail is available to the sender of revoked emails, meaning they can manage and control a potential data incident.

In our busy world of remote working and evolving data protection laws, employees must be empowered to handle data securely, rather than restricted from sharing information with stakeholders. Zivver integrates seamlessly with existing email clients, including Gmail and Outlook, enhancing familiar email environments with effortless advanced security functionality. 

Learn more about Zivver Secure Email and Secure File Transfer.

First published -
Last updated - 15/06/23
To forward or not to forward: How to forward emails securely
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